Why should I choose Tara's Bootcamp?
Tara's Bootcamp is more than just an exercise class, its a lifestyle. Not only do you receive great boot camp style workouts, but also support and motivation outside of class. In addition Tara has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of fitness. Tara's Bootcamp has great total experience for all ages and activity levels.
Can I go to different locations and times?
Because you sign up initially for a specific class time it is preferred you attend at the specific class time you have signed-up for, so you can be given you the best workout possible and avoid class over flow. It is understood that sometimes life gets hectic, so if you cannot attend your regular class just let Tara know and she will work out a schedule that works for you.
What is the usual class size?
Classes can range from 5 to 25 participants but in all cases you will receive personal fitness curtailed to your fitness level.
Do I need to be in shape or at a certain fitness level before I sign up for Tara's Bootcamp?
No, that is the reason Tara is here: to help you get in better shape and improve your overall fitness. Tara's Bootcamp attracts individuals at every level from beginners to hard-core athletes. Participants have ranged from dancers, triathletes, weekend warriors to people who have never worn a pair of running or cross training shoes in their life. The ages range from 20 to 69. However Tara has had children join as young as 9 (please note you must have a doctor's note if you are under the age of 18). It is suggested that you contact your doctor before beginning any exercise program and if you have a medical condition you must have a doctor's note.
I am already in shape; will I get anything out of your program?
Yes. Tara's Bootcamp caters to people of all fitness levels. Many individuals find that the exercises in the bootcamp program increases their performance in other sports or activities and changes their strength of their core. You will be pushed to get maximum result, whatever your level of fitness.
How much running is involved?
The amount of running you do is limited. For those that have knee problems you will be given a modification exercise such as speed walking.
How long are the classes?
Each class lasts exactly one-hour. At certain times of the year, we offer a special session called Veteran's Week in which the classes are 90 minutes long.
What should I bring to class?
Wear comfortable workout attire such as a short sleeve T-shirt, gym pants and a light jacket along with sturdy and supportive running shoes or cross-trainers. You also should bring a mat or towel, a set of 2-5 lb. weights, a bottle of water and a positive attitude. No negative talk will be tolerated as this will not only hurt yourself but hurt your teammates as well. This follows Tara's mantra, "Positive attitudes produces positive results!"
What do you do when it rains?
When classes are held outdoors in May-Oct Tara's Bootcampers workout rain or shine and will utilize covered areas as much as possible to avoid heavy rain. We will not compromise your safety. Tara is well versed in what it takes for a safe, sane, but intense workout. In winter months class is held indoors so you not encounter this.
How do I register for Tara's Bootcamp?
You can
Contact Us to register or if you have more questions. Tara looks forward to meeting you and helping you reach your personal fitness goals.